25 March 2012

Chapter 24: God's Law Part II: Two Passover Lambs - Two Blood Covenants

Look! Listen! Focus! Pray that Jehovah God will open the eyes of your heart and your ears to hear the truth from His Word that you may experience the complete fulfillment of the prophecies foreshadowed by the Passover lamb in Egypt of the coming of God’s Sacrificial Passover Lamb, Yeshua in Jerusalem in 33AD.

The lamb represents innocence; doing no evil, free from sin or wrong, doing no harm, freedom from guilt, and not transgressing the law.  Just as a young child who is not yet consciously acquainted with evil has done no wrong.  The lamb must be without spot; no discoloration, as white as snow; the lamb without blemish; no bruises, cuts, or deformities.

Open The Eyes of My Heart Lord
performed by Mercy Me

1 ADONAI spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the land of Egypt; he said, 2 "You are to begin your calendar with this month; it will be the first month of the year for you. 3 Speak to all the assembly of Isra'el and say, 'On the tenth day of this month, each man is to take a lamb or kid for his family, one per household - 4 except that if the household is too small for a whole lamb or kid, then he and his next-door neighbor should share one, dividing it in proportion to the number of people eating it. 5 Your animal must be without defect, a male in its first year, and you may choose it from either the sheep or the goats. 6 "'You are to keep it until the fourteenth day of the month, and then the entire assembly of the community of Isra'el will slaughter it at dusk. 7 They are to take some of the blood and smear it on the two sides and top of the doorframe at the entrance of the house in which they eat it. 8 That night, they are to eat the meat, roasted in the fire; they are to eat it with matzah and maror. 9 Don't eat it raw or boiled, but roasted in the fire, with its head, the lower parts of its legs and its inner organs. 10 Let nothing of it remain till morning; if any of it does remain, burn it up completely. 11 "'Here is how you are to eat it: with your belt fastened, your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand; and you are to eat it hurriedly. It is ADONAI's Passover. 12 For that night, I will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both men and animals; and I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt; I am ADONAI. 13 The blood will serve you as a sign marking the houses where you are; when I see the blood, I will pass over [Hebrew: pasach] you.” Exodus 12

Blood is life; the life of the flesh is in the blood.  In reading the passage above one sees the action of putting blood on the two sides and top of the doorframe, an exercise of faith to save the life of the firstborn.  By faith, they believed and obeyed.  God is complete truth and cannot lie.  Obedience to God’s next passage, Passover in Jerusalem AD33, is also a matter of life and death.

7 Then came the day of matzah, on which the Passover lamb had to be killed. 8 Yeshua sent Kefa and Yochanan, instructing them, "Go and prepare our Seder, so we can eat." 9 They asked him, "Where do you want us to prepare it?" 10 He told them, "As you're going into the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him into the house he enters, 11 and say to its owner, `The Rabbi says to you, "Where is the guest room, where I am to eat the Pesach meal with my talmidim?" ' 12 He will show you a large room upstairs already furnished; make the preparations there." 13 They went and found things just as Yeshua had told them they would be, and they prepared for the Seder. 14 When the time came, Yeshua and the emissaries reclined at the table, and he 15 said to them, "I have really wanted so much to celebrate this Seder with you before I die! 16 For I tell you, it is certain that I will not celebrate it again until it is given its full meaning in the Kingdom of God." Luke 22

1 It was just before the festival of Pesach, and Yeshua knew that the time had come for him to pass from this world to the Father. Having loved His own people in the world, He loved them to the end. 2 They were at supper, and the Adversary had already put the desire to betray Him into the heart of Y'hudah Ben-Shim`on from K'riot. 3 Yeshua was aware that the Father had put everything in His power, and that He had come from God and was returning to
God. 4 So He rose from the table, removed His outer garments and wrapped a towel around His waist. 5 Then He poured some water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the talmidim and wipe them off with the towel wrapped around Him.  

12 After He had washed their feet, taken back His clothes and returned to the table, He said to them, "Do you understand what I have done to you? 13 You call me `Rabbi' and `Lord,' and you are right, because I am. 14 Now if I, the Lord and Rabbi, have washed your feet, you also should wash each other's feet. 15 For I have set you an example, so that you may do as I have done to you. John 13

Yeshua came to serve and this example is the height of humility!

17 Then, taking a cup of wine, he made the b'rakhah and said, "Take this and share it among yourselves. 18 For I tell you that from now on, I will not drink the `fruit of the vine' until the Kingdom of God comes." 19 Also, taking a piece of matzah, He made the b'rakhah, broke it, gave it to them and said, "This is My body, which is being given for you; do this in memory of Me." 20 He did the same with the cup after the meal, saying, "This cup is the New Covenant, ratified by My blood, which is being poured out for you.” Luke 22

The Passover meal has ended.  Now the unveiling of the truth begins as we see the progressive revelation that began as a shadow in Egypt, being fulfilled in the reality of the once-for-all sacrifice of God’s loving Lamb - His Son, Yeshua!

Yeshua’s statement says it all:
And Yeshua took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body given for you; Do this in Remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19

From this time forward, Passover has taken on a full and complete reality of truth; behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.

17 As Yeshua was going up to Yerushalayim, he took the twelve talmidim aside by themselves and said to them, as they went on their way, 18 "We are now going up to Yerushalayim, where the Son of Man will be handed over to the head cohanim and Torah-teachers. They will sentence him to death 19 and turn him over to the Goyim, who will jeer at him, beat him and execute Him on a stake as a criminal. But on the third day, He will be raised."
Matthew 20

As we'll see next, these exact events were prophesied by Isaiah hundreds of years before Yeshua’s birth.

13 "See how my servant will succeed! He will be raised up, exalted, highly honored! 14 Just as many were appalled at him, because he was so disfigured that he didn't even seem human and simply no longer looked like a man, 15 so
now he will startle many nations; because of him, kings will be speechless. For they will see what they had not been told, they will ponder things they had never heard." Isaiah 52

Isaiah 53
1 Who believes our report? To whom is the arm of ADONAI revealed? 2 For before him He grew up like a young plant, like a root out of dry ground. He was not well formed or especially handsome; we saw Him, but His appearance did not attract us. 3 People despised and avoided Him, a man of pains, well acquainted with illness. Like someone from whom people turn their faces, He was despised; we did not value Him. 4 In fact, it was our diseases He bore, our pains from which He suffered; yet we regarded Him as punished, stricken and afflicted by God. 5 But He was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on Him, and by His bruises we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, went astray; we turned, each one, to his own way; yet ADONAI laid on Him the guilt of all of us, and in fellowship with Him 7 though mistreated, He was submissive - He did not open his mouth. Like a lamb led to be slaughtered, like a sheep silent before its shearers, He did not open his mouth. 8 After forcible arrest and sentencing, He was taken away; and none of His generation protested His being cut off from the land of the living for the crimes of my people, who deserved the punishment, themselves. 9 He was given a grave among the wicked; in His death He was with a rich man. Although He had done no violence and had said nothing deceptive, 10 yet it pleased ADONAI to crush Him with illness, to see if He would present himself as a guilt offering. If He does,
He will see His offspring; and He will prolong His days; and at His hand ADONAI's desire will be accomplished. 11 After this ordeal, He will see satisfaction. "By His knowing [pain and sacrifice], my righteous servant makes many righteous; it is for their sins that He suffers. 12 Therefore I will assign Him a share with the great, He will divide the spoil with the mighty, for having exposed Himself to death and being counted among the sinners, while actually bearing the sin of many and interceding for the offenders."

4 Now if Yeshua were on earth, He wouldn't be a cohen at all, since there already are cohanim offering the gifts required by the Torah. 5 But what they are serving is only a copy and shadow of the heavenly original; for when Moshe was about to erect the Tent, God warned him, "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern you were shown on the mountain." 6 But now the work Yeshua has been given to do is far superior to theirs, just as the covenant he mediates is better. For this covenant has been given as Torah on the basis of better promises. 7 Indeed, if the first covenant had not given ground for faultfinding, there would have been no need for a second one. 8 For God does find fault with the people when he says, "'See! The days are coming,' says ADONAI, 'when I will establish over the house of Isra'el and over the house of Y'hudah a new covenant. 9 "'It will not be like the covenant which I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by their hand and led them forth out of the land of Egypt; because they, for their part, did not remain faithful to my covenant; so I, for my part, stopped concerning myself with them,' says ADONAI. 10 "'For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Isra'el after those days,' says ADONAI: 'I will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts; I will be their God, and they will be my people. Hebrews 8

To the mediator of a new covenant, Yeshua; and to the sprinkled blood that speaks better things than that of Hevel. Hebrews 12:24   

The God of shalom brought up from the dead, the great Shepherd of the sheep, our Lord Yeshua, by the blood of an eternal covenant. Hebrews 13:20

God is waiting for you to come to Him.  Today, make this personal New Blood Covenant with Him. He has prepared the way, now is the time for you to choose.

1.  Know you are a lost sinner and have a need for salvation
2.  Humbly repent of your sins, for which Yeshua has already died.  He has provided the way with His blood.
3.  Through your believing faith, ask Yeshua to save you and forgive you of your sins and become your personal Savior and Lord.
4.  Receive God’s Holy Spirit in your soul to comfort and direct your life.
5.  You are now a child of the King, Yeshua, with the Kingdom of Heaven as your eternal home.

24 By God's grace, without earning it, all are granted the status of being considered righteous before Him, through the act redeeming us from our enslavement to sin that was accomplished by the Messiah Yeshua. 25 God put Yeshua forward as the kapparah for sin through his faithfulness in respect to His bloody sacrificial death. This vindicated God's righteousness; because, in His forbearance, He had passed over [with neither punishment nor remission] the sins people had committed in the past. Romans 3

Several other scriptures relating to the blood of the Lamb are listed below.

18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of Yeshua the Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 1 Peter 1

Therefore, since we have now come to be considered righteous by means of His bloody sacrificial death, how much more will we be delivered through Him from the anger of God's judgment! Romans 5:9

19 So, brothers, we have confidence to use the way into the Holiest Place opened by the blood of Yeshua. 20 He inaugurated it for us as a new and living way through the parokhet, by means of His flesh.
29 Think how much worse will be the punishment deserved by someone who has trampled underfoot the Son of God; who has treated as something common the blood of the Covenant which made him holy; and who has insulted the Spirit, giver of God's grace!   Hebrews 10

In union with Yeshua, through the shedding of His blood, we are set free - our sins are forgiven; this accords with the wealth of the grace. Ephesians 1:7

And from Yeshua the Messiah, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the earth's kings. To Him, the one who loves us, who has freed us from our sins at the cost of His blood. Revelation 1:5

And they sang a new song, "You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals; because You were slaughtered; at the cost of blood You ransomed for God persons from every tribe, language, people and nation. Revelation 5:9

"Sir," I answered, "you know." Then he told me, "These are the people who have come out of the Great Tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the Lamb. Rev 7:14

11 But when Christ came as High Priest of the good things that are now already here, He went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not made with human hands, that is to say, is not a part of this creation. 12 He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. 13 The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. 14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! 15 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a New Covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the First Covenant. Hebrews 9

I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary
performed by the Gaither Vocal Band

11 March 2012

Chapter 23: God's Law: Part 1

Gods’ Law + New Blood Covenant = Fulfillment

7 The Torah of ADONAI is perfect, converting the inner soul. The instruction of ADONAI is sure, making wise the thoughtless.  Psalm 19:7

1) Rules and regulations given to God’s people to maintain an order to society; a foundation of government to abide by to establish civil order, mandated by men, established by God.
2) The perfect divine rule or commandments; the collective body of precepts received from God; The first five books of God’s word, the Bible, the foundation of Law for mankind, is known as the Mosaic Law.

Soon after leaving Egypt, the Israelites were incorporated.  God was the first lawgiver. God chose the place - Mount Sinai, covered in smoke for the Lord descended on it in fire.  Mount Sinai was the highest in the range of mountains and surrounding the mountain was a wasted and barren desert.  There were no magnificent structures or palaces.  God wrote the first law on stone tablets, the Ten Commandments.  He gave the Law to Moses, who was the mediator between God and the Israelites, to read to this newly formed nation, called Israel.

The Ten Commandments

6 "'I am ADONAI your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves.  7 “You are to have no other gods before me. 8 You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline - 9 you are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, ADONAI your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents, also the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10 but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot. 11 "'You are not to misuse the name of ADONAI your God, because ADONAI will not leave unpunished someone who misuses his name. 12 "'Observe the day of Shabbat, to set it apart as holy, as ADONAI your God ordered you to do. 13 You have six days to labor and do all your work, 14 but the seventh day is a Shabbat for ADONAI your God. On it you are not to do any kind of work - not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your ox, your donkey or any of your other livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property - so that your male and female servants can rest just as you do. 15 You are to remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and ADONAI your God brought you out from there with a strong hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore ADONAI your God has ordered you to keep the day of Shabbat. 16 "'Honor your father and mother, as ADONAI your God ordered you to do, so that you will live long and have things go well with you in the land ADONAI your God is giving you. 17 "'Do not murder. 18 "'Do not commit adultery. 19 "'Do not steal. 20 "'Do not give false evidence against your neighbor. 21 "'Do not covet your neighbor's wife; do not covet your neighbor's house, his field, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” Deuteronomy 5

Moses put a veil over his radiant face because he had spoken with the Lord. God’s glory directed His chosen by day as a cloud pillar.  The cloud remained over the tabernacle to direct the Children of Israel how long to stay in a location.  The Holy of Holies was separated from the rest of the tabernacle by a veil. The veils and the clouds separated the people from God’s Shekinah glory.

10 As Aharon spoke to the whole community of the people of Isra'el, they looked toward the desert; and there before them the glory of ADONAI appeared in the cloud. Exodus 16

29 When Moshe came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand, he didn't realize that the skin of his face was sending out rays of light as a result of his talking with [ADONAI]. Exodus 34

34 Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of ADONAI filled the tabernacle. 35 Moshe was unable to enter the tent of meeting, because the cloud remained on it, and the glory of ADONAI filled the tabernacle. Exodus 40

3 Behind the second parokhet was a tent called the Holiest Place, 4 which had the golden altar for burning incense and the Ark of the Covenant, entirely covered with gold. In the Ark were the gold jar containing the man, Aharon's rod that sprouted and the stone Tablets of the Covenant; 5 and above it were the k'ruvim representing the Sh'khinah, casting their shadow on the lid of the Ark - but now is not the time to discuss these things in detail. Hebrews 9

God began a relationship with His chosen and elect people. They had been set free from the bondage of slavery and given the Ten Commandments and decrees from God to live by.

2 “Because you are a people set apart as holy for ADONAI your God. ADONAI your God has chosen you to be his own unique treasure out of all the peoples on the face of the earth. Deuteronomy 14

4 "Sh'ma, Yisra'el! ADONAI Eloheinu, ADONAI echad [Hear, Isra'el! ADONAI our God, ADONAI is one]; 5 and you are to love ADONAI your God with all your heart, all your being and all your resources. 6 These words, which I am ordering you today, are to be on your heart; 7 and you are to teach them carefully to your children. You are to talk about them when you sit at home, when you are traveling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them on your hand as a sign, put them at the front of a headband around your forehead, 9 and write them on the doorframes of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6

The Israelites lost their focus on the way to the Promised Land. After leaving Egypt, God provided a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to guide their direction. After they left Egypt, the Children of Israel saw the Egyptian army approaching and they were terrified and cried out to the Lord and said to Moses, “What have you done?” “In Egypt we said, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians, better to serve them than to die in this desert!’”

This was just the beginning of the grumblings.  God delivered them again by opening the Red Sea and allowing then to walk through on dry ground. While on their journey, the Lord fed them manna and quail and provided water from the rock, yet their grumblings continued. Upon reaching the Promised Land, God directed Moses to send 12 men, one from each tribe, to explore the land.  After forty days the scouts returned and ten of them reported that the inhabitants were powerful and the cities were very large and fortified!  “We can’t attack, for they are stronger than us.” Only two scouts, Joshua and Caleb, tore their clothes and told the entire Israelite assembly, “The land is exceedingly good.  If the Lord is pleased with us, He will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.  Only do not rebel against the Lord.”

This was the straw that broke the camels’ back.  Beware, for when there is disobedience - judgment follows!

26 ADONAI said to Moshe and Aharon, 27 "How long am I to put up with this evil community who keep grumbling about me? I have heard the complaints of the people of Isra'el, which they continue to raise against me. 28 Tell them this: 'As surely as I live, ADONAI swears, as surely as you have spoken in my ears, I will do this to you: 29 your carcasses will fall in this desert! Every single one of you who were included in the census over the age of twenty, you who have complained against me, 30 will certainly not enter the land about which I raised my hand to swear that I would have you live in it - except for Kalev the son of Y'funeh and Y'hoshua the son of Nun. 31 But your little ones, who you said would be taken as booty - them I will bring in. They will know the land you have rejected. 32 But you, your carcasses will fall in this desert; 33 and your children will wander about in the desert for forty years bearing the consequences of your prostitutions until the desert eats up your carcasses. 34 It will be a year for every day you spent reconnoitering the land that you will bear the consequences of your offenses - forty days, forty years. Then you will know what it means to oppose me! 35 I, ADONAI, have spoken.' I will certainly do this to this whole evil community who have assembled together against me - they will be destroyed in this desert and die there." 36 The men whom Moshe had sent to reconnoiter the land and who, when they returned, made the entire community complain against him by giving an unfavorable report about the land – 37 those men who gave the unfavorable report about the land died by the plague in the presence of ADONAI. 38 Of the men who went to reconnoiter the land, only Y'hoshua the son of Nun and Kalev the son of Y'funeh remained alive. Numbers 14

God’s Promised Land awaited the Israelites.  God said, “Go!” and ten said “No!” Looking back, we can see the people focused on their circumstances without exercising trust or faith in the One Jehovah God who brought them out of Egypt and provided for their needs.  Now, before them is a beautiful land flowing with milk and honey, a description of food and drink unlike anything they had ever seen. There were houses they did not have to build, vineyards they did not have to plant, wells they did not have to dig; everything in place for the taking!

Now it was God who said No – Go back to the wilderness for 40 years. God is a just God and justice against disobedience will be served.  Do you suppose the idol of the golden calf came to minds of the Israelites?

God’s word is the final authority on all the issues of life - for all time and eternity.

The first account of a recorded sin against God by man is in Genesis, the first book in the Bible. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. On Day 6, God created man in His own image, both male, whose name was Adam, and female, whose name was Eve. Everything was perfect. God gave one command to them in Genesis 2:

15 ADONAI, God, took the man and put him in the garden of 'Eden to cultivate and care for it. 16 ADONAI, God, gave the man this order: "You may freely eat from every tree in the garden 17 except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You are not to eat from it, because on the day that you eat from it, it will become certain that you will die."  

The nature of sin is in all humans, for all are born of Adam.
12 Here is how it works: it was through one individual that sin entered the world, and through sin, death; and in this way death passed through to the whole human race, inasmuch as everyone sinned. 13 Sin was indeed present in the world before Torah was given, but sin is not counted as such when there is no Torah. 14 Nevertheless death ruled from Adam until Moshe, even over those whose sinning was not exactly like Adam's violation of a direct command. In this, Adam prefigured the One, Yeshua, who was to come. Romans 5

The Jews and the Law:

17 But if you call yourself a Jew and rest on Torah and boast about God 18 and know his will and give your approval to what is right, because you have been instructed from the Torah; 19 and if you have persuaded yourself that you are a guide to the blind, a light in the darkness, 20 an instructor for the spiritually unaware and a teacher of children, since in the Torah you have the embodiment of knowledge and truth; 21 then, you who teach others, don't you teach yourself? Preaching, "Thou shalt not steal, do you steal?  22 Saying, "Thou shalt not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? Detesting idols, do you commit idolatrous acts? 23 You who take such pride in Torah, do you, by disobeying the Torah, dishonor God? - 24 as it says in the Tanakh, "For it is because of you that God's name is blasphemed by the Goyim.” 25 For circumcision is indeed of value if you do what Torah says. But if you are a transgressor of Torah, your circumcision has become uncircumcision! 26 Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the Torah, won't his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? 27 Indeed, the man who is physically uncircumcised but obeys the Torah will stand as a judgment on you who have had a b'rit-milah and have Torah written out but violate it! 28 For the real Jew is not merely Jewish outwardly: true circumcision is not only external and physical. 29 On the contrary, the real Jew is one inwardly; and true circumcision is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code of Torah, so that his praise comes not from other people, but from God. Romans 2

19 What then, was the purpose of the Torah? It was added in order to create transgressions, until the coming of the Seed about whom the promise had been made. Moreover, it was handed down through angels and a mediator. 20 Now a mediator implies more than one, but God is one. 21 Does this mean that the legal part of the Torah stands in opposition to God's promises? Heaven forbid! For if the legal part of the Torah, which God gave, had had in itself the power to give life, then righteousness really would have come by legalistically following such a Torah. 22 But instead, the Tanakh declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin; so that what had been promised being given through faith, in Yeshua the Messiah, might be given to  those who believe.  23 Now before the time for this One trusting faithfulness came, we were imprisoned in subjection to the law which results from perverting the Torah into legalism, kept locked up until this yet-to-come trusting faithfulness would be revealed. 24 Accordingly, the Torah functioned as a custodian until the Messiah came, so that we might be declared righteous on the ground of trusting and being faithful. 25 But now that Messiah the trusting faithfulness has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the Torah. Galatians 3

4 Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah - indeed, sin is violation of Torah.  Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the Law; for sin is the transgression of the Law. 1 John 3

19 Moreover, we know that whatever the Torah says, it says to those living within the framework of the Torah, in order that every mouth may be stopped and the whole world be shown to deserve God's adverse judgment. 20 For in
His sight no one alive will be considered righteous on the ground of legalistic observance of Torah commands, because what Torah really does is show people how sinful they are. Romans 3

The Law of Jehovah God cannot take away sin.  The Law only makes one conscious of their sinful condition. How does one become conscious of sin?  God’s Holy Spirit convicts one of their condition, for within one’s heart the guilt of sin against God is revealed.  Each one either chooses to listen or ignore their guilt of conscience. The heart of those who refuse to know and follow His truth, becomes calloused and hardened, causing blindness and deafness, no longer hearing the plea of God’s Holy Spirit saying through Yeshua, “Repent, Come follow Me for My yoke is easy and My burden is light, in Me you will find everlasting life.”  God’s Holy Spirit is shown to man through the life of His Son, Yeshua, bringing love, mercy, grace and life to the Law. The following account shows the Law alone:

17 As Yeshua was starting on His way, a man ran up, kneeled down in front of Him and asked, "Good rabbi, what should I do to obtain eternal life?" 18 Yeshua said to him, "Why are you calling me good? No one is good except God!
19 You know the mitzvot -- `Don't murder, don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't give false testimony, don't defraud, honor your father and mother, . .'" 20 "Rabbi," he said, "I have kept all these since I was a boy." 21 Yeshua, looking at him, felt love for him and said to him, "You're missing one thing. Go, sell whatever you own, give to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come, follow me!" 22 Shocked by this word, he went away sad because he was a wealthy man. 23 Yeshua looked around and said to his talmidim, "How hard it is going to be for people with wealth to enter the Kingdom of God!" 24 The talmidim were astounded at these words; but Yeshua said to them again, "My friends, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God! 25 It's easier for a camel to pass through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." 26 They were utterly amazed and said to him, "Then who can be saved?" 27 Yeshua looked at them and said, "Humanly, it is impossible, but not with God; with God, every thing is possible." Mark 10

What was the problem? All Law and no love!  It is not the money, but the LOVE of money, as recorded in 1 Timothy 6:

6 Now true religion does bring great riches, but only to those who are content with what they have. 7 For we have brought nothing into the world; and we can take nothing out of it; 8 so if we have food and clothing, we will be satisfied with these. 9 Furthermore, those whose goal is to be rich fall into temptation; they get trapped in many foolish and hurtful ambitions, which plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all the evils; because of this craving, some people have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves to the heart with many pains.

So, now we know you can’t have one without the other! The following account is vital in knowing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the complete truth. 

Law + Love = Fulfillment
34 but when the P'rushim learned that Yeshua had silenced the Tz'dukim, they got together, 35 and one of them who was a Torah expert asked a sh'eilah to trap Him: 36 "Rabbi, which of the mitzvot in the Torah is the most important?" 37 He told him, "`You are to love ADONAI your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.' 38 This is the greatest and most important mitzvah. 39 And a second is similar to it, `You are to love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 All of the Torah and the Prophets are dependent on these two mitzvot." Matthew 22

To understand the application of God’s Law, we must know:
1.  God is Holy, righteous, and perfect in all things.
2.  God gave the first Law to the new nation, Israel.
3.  God is truth and cannot lie.
4.  Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden.
5.  We are all born of Adam and inherited the sin nature.
6.  Mankind could never, nor will ever be able to keep the Law of God.
7.  Through God’s Law, each one becomes conscious of sin.
8.  God has the perfect solution – fulfillment through His New Blood Covenant. 

"I Lift My Hands"
performed by Chris Tomlin